
Beyond Wellness is a weekly newsletter. The newsletter provides concise information about presence, mindfulness, and intentional living.


Self Care

Lets consider mindfulness as a form of self care. Being present in the moment without judgement. Being intentional with acts of selfcare.

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Mindfulness Affirmations

Present moment affirmations can be powerful. The things we tell ourselves in the here and now can keep us grounded and “mindful”. Let us take time to focus on what we can control. Engage with the senses and transform worry into calm. You may not be able to control what is happening, but you can control how you respond to what is happening, and staying “mindful” will help you in this process.

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Presence over Presents

For this entry I wanted to invite presence into this holiday week. It is so easy to get caught up in the holidays and to rush around and then it is over. This is an invitation to slow down and to enjoy the journey and treasure the moments. 

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